Workshop with Pine Ridge Girls' School Sees Robust Attendance

On two Mondays in September 2020, Stefanie Winfield and Dr. Liza Tupa conducted a two-part, intensive technical assistance training workshop with South Dakota’s Pine Ridge Girls’ School staff. All Pine Ridge school staff were encouraged to attend, and many did, from the front office managers to school cooks, teachers, and cultural advisers.

Winfield, who holds a master’s degree in social work, is the School-Based Mental Health Program Manager with the Mountain Plains Mental Health Technology Transfer Center (MHTTC). Dr. Tupa, a licensed clinical psychologist, is the Director of Education and Research in the Behavioral Health Program (BHP) at the Western Interstate Commission for Higher Education (WICHE). Together, they led participants in focused discussion on trauma responsive practices in the classroom and at home. The workshops explored the effects of trauma on behavior and learning, modifications for virtual learning environments, teacher self-care to avoid burnout, and parent and family education to support students’ mental wellness.

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Caitlin Dempsey